How To Get Free Old Silver Coins By Running Folding@home and World Community Grid On Your Computer


Get free silver coins from silver giveaways

Welcome to my new blog. If you like old silver coins and getting them for free then you will want to follow this blog. You might be one of the many lucky people that will get a silver coin or maybe even a gold eagle.

This must be a scam, I can hear you saying this to yourself but I assure you it is not. I am just a little bit crazy.

You see, I am a big supporter of cooperative computing or what is known as grid computing programs like folding@home and world community grid. These are great organizations that have software that allows millions of computers all over the world to donate their cpu and gpu power to help find cures for a variety of diseases.

When you download one of these programs you are able to set it up so that it uses only a small percentage of your computers processing power to do scientific research. When your computer accesses the WCG or F@H server it takes a small piece of data and sends it to your system. Your cpu then does the number crunching on that data and when complete sends it back to the server. These millions of tiny pieces of completed data called work units are then pieced back together to get the final results scientist need to publish their journals and articles for peer reviewed. These scientific papers are what researchers use to solve big questions and often lead to new research that create miracle drugs for things like cancer, multiple sclerosis and alzhiemerz disease.

This type of home based research is also known as distributed computing and you may have heard of other organizations like seti@home doing this. 

These two groups alone have created hundreds of peer reviewed articles and there have even been some useful drugs that have been created through this work. Check out the Wikipedia pages for folding@home and world community grid to find out more.

So what is this blog for? This blog has been set up to showcase some of the coins I will give away for participation of my WCG and F@H teams. Somewhere between 10% and 90% of the coins I post on this blog will eventually in up in my team members pockets. I know this is a wide margin but it is my hope that this blog will help push traffic to my other blog. If you are only interested in the exact coins I'm giving away you can go straight to my contest blog at Coins For A Cure. There I will only be adding the silver coins I'm setting up as prizes for each contest.

I want to start helping find cures for diseases like cancer, MS, Alzhiemerz and Covid-19 right now. What do I need to do? It's easy. Just download the folding@home or WCG program. (I prefer F@H) Go to the settings and decide how much juice you want to let the program use. Or just let it run by itself. Both programs are designed to only use processing power your not currently using. I have personally run both programs while gaming and never noticed any lag. Be sure to join my teams. My WCG team is here. My folding@home team is here. Now your set up to get prizes from me whenever I have contests running.

Do you have more questions? Check out my FAQ here. If you still can't find your answer ask in the comments below and I will try to answer it.
